Airline Mogul - At a Glance
Airline Mogul is the number one airline management game. For no charge at all, you can manage your very own airline in multiple worlds, just the way you want it.
Choose the aircraft you need from our massive aircraft database, create the routes you want to airports all around the world and join an alliance (if you want to), to grow your airline all the way to the #1 spot!
Check out the links above for more information, or to register your account now!
 Happy 19th Birthday!Item 111 - 23 Dec 2024Today, December 23rd marks the 19th birthday of Airline Mogul. Thank you to all those who have supported the game over these many years.
As part of the celebration we have worked with GCMap to update the maps on our site improving reliability after some have had challenges. You can continue to enjoy the maps which are now rendered locally. If you have any issues with them please let us know via Discord or email.
 Order Books Live for New WorldsItem 109 - 23 Dec 2021As we go into the 16th Year of Airline Mogul we would like to thank our community who play, manage and support the game. This year we launched the long awaited order books feature across a number of special worlds.
Now the order books feature will be available as an option to all new worlds. At no additional cost you are welcome to play with legacy aircraft ordering settings or use the order books feature to better pace the game and add a new dynamic to your strategies.
In honor of the holidays and the ability to create new worlds with order books we are giving 25% off token packages through the end of the year. We would also like to offer one lucky player a free private world, anyone who buys tokens before the end of the year will automatically entered in the competition.
Thanks for your continued support and we wish you all the best in 2022.
 Scheduled Downtime 8th of May 2021Item 108 - 8 May 2021Saturday, the 8th of May we will have some scheduled downtime for Airline Mogul. During this time we will be deploying some new features that will be available in a curated world to be announced later.
The downtime is expected to last a couple of hours and the game will be paused during this time. Thank you for your patience.
 Airline Mogul Celebrates 15 YearsItem 107 - 23 Dec 2020
Today, December 23rd marks the 15th year of Airline Mogul! Thanks to everyone who has supported the game over the years and helped get us this far.
2020 has been quite a year, and thankfully at AM we found some time to deliver long awaited enhancements and features. With people having more free time, many old players came back and new players found us.
We look forward to continuing to develop the game further in the coming year, building on the order of what we released this year. So whether you relaxing this holiday season with good books or some Airline Mogul time, we hope you can enjoy some of the new features like maintenance overhaul, flight time improvements, staffing improvements and some new to leasing options.
Take care and have a great 2021!
P.S. AM has been a good kid this year, watch out for a festive Easter Egg on the site. :)
 Airline Mogul ResumesItem 106 - 19 Apr 2020After the scheduled four hour downtime earlier today, April 19th the game is back online and running as expected.
The downtime helped with updates to the servers as well as software upgrades and some game enhancements. Further details on the new features will be detailed in due course.
Thanks for your patience and let us know if you encounter any issues through Discord, the Forum or email.
Airline Mogul Staff
 Airline Mogul DowntimeItem 104 - 18 Apr 2020The game is going to be down for a period of 4 hours, this Sunday April 19th between 14:00 and 18:00 game server time (Central European time).
This downtime is to facilitate server upgrades and the deployment of code enhancements. The hope is to have everything wrapped up as soon as we can but 4 hours should be a conservative timeline.
We will close login when we start the upgrades and any player logged in will automatically be taken to the homepage.
Thanks for your patience.
 New Large World CreatedItem 103 - 10 Apr 2020Starting in 1994 the latest Public World has been created. Featuring 485 of the larger airports across the globe, this world is ideal for players who wish to use medium and large aircraft for operations. Lots of opportunities exist for long haul flying and creating the most profitable routes.
The world runs for 10 years until 2004 and is supported by an Offical Broker.
 New competitive worldItem 102 - 13 Oct 2019A new world with few airports!
Do you like fierce competition? Try out the new public world 3450, starting in 2001 and running for five years, you get an ERJ 140 to build your empire. Having only the largest airports in the world, this world is set to become filled with competition - find your niche and start the race to the top!
 New Public World: Central American GrowthItem 101 - 12 Jun 2019A new world has been created!
Set in 1990 and running for ten years, this new world seems like a great arena for competition for the up to 83 players in Central America.
As for the growing and expansion of your airline, this world has an appointed official game broker for you to purchase aircraft at a discount.
Make sure to join this world and enjoy the competition!
 New Public World: 1960s Golden Jet AgeItem 100 - 4 May 2019A new world is under way in the golden era of Jet travel. Set in the 1960s and early 1970s you have up to 5 years to expand in an exciting period of air travel. This world features all airports availaible and also includes an official game broker to aid airline growth and competition.
Join via the link below:
Join World 3426
 Airline Mogul Celebrates 10 YearsItem 98 - 23 Dec 2015On the 23rd of December 2005, a simple interface for Airline Mogul was revealed to a small group of aviation fans. It was the building block for what Airline Mogul has grown to become over the years. Today marks the beginning of the 10th year of Airline Mogul.
A lot has changed in the game during that time, and we hope that many things will continue to change in the year ahead. We have been working on enhancements that will be released over the coming months that will bring the game into a new era.
Thanks to all those who have played and supported the game over the past 10 years!
 Game activation issue with GmailItem 97 - 14 Aug 2015All newly registered players should be receiving an activation email, through which you need to activate your account before you could successfully log into the game. We have recently noticed an issue with delivering this email to Gmail accounts, while hotmail has been having this issue on and off. If you have registered but have not received the email, please contact us at our support email address staff[at]airlinemogul[dot]com . We will assist you as soon as practical. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
 New Public World: 1960 Jet EraItem 96 - 20 Mar 2015A new world is under way in the golden era of Jet travel. Set in the 1960s you have up to 10 years to expand in an exciting period of air travel.
Join via the link below:
Join World 2998
 New Public World: 1974 Oil CrisisItem 95 - 11 Jan 2015A new world has been created! Set for 5 years from 1974, you enter during the oil crisis. Join the tour back to the classic era of jet aviation!
Join via the link below:
Join World 2969
 Airline Mogul outageItem 94 - 28 Oct 2014Airline Mogul is back online after more than a week with problems. Only a small number of issues are still present, some of which prevents the time from passing in the worlds. Private world creation is also not possible at the moment. The problems should be fixed shortly, and we will post more information when available. We apologize for any inconvenience
 Getting in touch with Airline MogulItem 93 - 7 Sep 2014The way players contact Airline Mogul will continue to include emailing us through staff@airlinemogul.com, posting on our forum as well as Social Media. Our in-game messaging system will be retired and will no longer be an option for users from mid-September.
 Airline Mogul turns 7!Item 92 - 23 Dec 2012
Today is the official birthday of Airline Mogul. The game has now reached 7 years old. We would like to thank all our players for supporting the game over the past 7 years and look forward to a 2013 with further improvements and enhancements.
As part of our celebration we will offer 25% off all token packages from December 23rd to December 30th. Simply visit the Purchase Tokens page.
During the above period our staff may not be available to answer support emails and messages. We hope to return to normal service levels around the 30th of December.
 Airline Mogul staff positions availableItem 91 - 7 Feb 2012Staff positions available
Position: Airline Mogul Membership Officer Brief duties & requirements: To manage the user base of Airline Mogul, moderate the forums and carry out administrative duties on the game when required. Payment: No financial reward. Requirements:
- Aged 18 years or older (This may be asked to be confirmed)
- Have a good knowledge of Airline Mogul, and its recent developments. Long standing members are preferred.
- Strong interest in aviation & Airline Mogul
- Minimum time availablility of 5-8 hours per week. (Periodic high work load at times)
- Have a good written manner in all forms of communication.
- Act in a professional and personable manner.
- Act in a responsible manner with regard to duties and any tasks/privelages set on them.
- Fluent in the English language is a requirement. (Does not have to be first language)
- Knowledge of how to use Gmail is an advantage.
- Not be in any significant position in any other airline game, including; beta tester, administration or staff member.
Detailed Duties
- To manage user accounts
- Help those who cannot register
- Update any information requested
- Investigate mutliple accounts and remove them
- As part of a membership team, maintain a 24 hour service level for response to emails and support requests 363 days a year (Dec 24-26th excluded).
- Other membership tasks as required and deligated by staff
- May be asked to maintain social media channels
- Take part in on-going projects and test on Airline Mogul as required
Closing Date: Sunday 19th February 2012 - 23:59 GMT. Applications to: staff(at)airlinemogul(dot)com Required Information:
- Full real name
- Forum nickname
- User ID
- Reason(s) why you want to apply for this post
- Any details you think are relevant
Other: Extra weighting will be made for those that put in significant effort and/or visible aspiration to attain the position. Bonus will also be given to those with third level education (College/University), either current or previous. There are a total of 2 positions available.
 Airline Mogul Celebrates 50,000 Users!Item 90 - 29 Jan 2012Airline Mogul Celebrates 50,000 Users!

After recently passing its 6th Birthday, the celebrations were kept quiet as the milestone of 50,000 registered users was fast approaching. And after those six short years the milestone has arrived! The game first started on the 23rd of December 2005 with a small community of airline game fans who wanted to see a fresh approach to the genre. Since then it has steadily been expanded due to the hard work and determination of Airline Mogul's voluntary staff, the very many users over the years and those who have helped keep Airline Mogul running by supporting it with paid tokens.
Progress on development of the game has always been at a steady pace, building a reliable game for everyone to enjoy, one of the biggest achievements of the game to date is the launch of the ever popular private worlds. Allowing users to play with their friends, co-workers, classmates, and other AM players has been a hugely successful addition to the game and continues to evolve to this day.
As part of these celebrations the staff at Airline Mogul decided to start it off by sharing a massive 2,000,000 tokens! Each existing user will receive approximately 40 free tokens to their account in the next 24 hours to allow them to join a new world, or add one of those ever useful premium features.

We will also improve the Aircraft Search feature to allow some greater functionality, and improve the visuals of the game by including some aircraft photos. Making a choice about an aircraft has never been easier, and with deeper integration with the aircraft market, it will make it easier and faster than ever to add a new aircraft to fleets. To start of 2012 we also released the long-awaited Reduce Terminal feature, and as the year progresses we aim to release Hotswap, a new Statistics Centre and some updates to the Maintenance of aircraft. Hotswap is currently under test and is expected to be released very soon.

Airline Mogul has always been reliant on the free time of the members of the community to contribute, we add to our staff pool occasionally and are ever grateful for all the work past and present players and staff have done for the game. As a recognition of this community spirit around the game, we are going to try something a little bit different. The first scenario based game will be created in the next 72 hours, where a group of only 50 users can join a pre-configured airline and work towards one of three goals. This exciting and challenging world will provide a new experience for those that have played Airline Mogul many times before and promises to bring a new dynamic to the game. In order to make it that bit more competitive we are also offering a prize of either a €25 voucher for Amazon or €45 worth of Paid Tokens. Those coming second and third will also have their pick of AM prizes.
So after reaching this first significant milestone I hope you will join with us in celebrating the achievement. We would like to thank you for playing Airline Mogul over these years and being a part of it. We look forward to what our 6th year brings and we hope you will get some fun out of it too.
Airline Mogul Staff
 25% Off Paid Tokens - Pending VAT RiseItem 89 - 6 Dec 2011On the 1st of January 2012 the rate of VAT applied to Paid Tokens packages will increase from 21% to 23%. As a measure to ensure people can make the most of paid tokens before the VAT increases we are launching 25% off all token packages, for all customers until the 12th of December 2011!
Go to the purchase tokens page to buy your discounted tokens now.
 New Message Center Launched!Item 88 - 22 Jul 2011Admittedly, it's not the moment you've all been waiting for. We know that, and we're truly sorry.
However, we've done our best to ease the wait for big and important features like hotswapping by releasing our very own, brand new Message Center! This project has been in the pipeline for over 2,5 years now, so we felt it was time to bring you something new. And new it is.
The new message center brings a fresh look to Airline Mogul, and we sincerely hope that you like the new feature.
For more details, please visit the forum thread.
 Game Survey now availableItem 87 - 28 May 2011From time to time we survey Airline Mogul users for their feedback and experiences to date in a way that we cannot by getting individual comments via the forum and other sources. This year we are offering a free private world for users as an incentive to complete the survey. This offer is limited to 400 free tokens. Please take a few moments to answer the 10 questions, we have tried to keep it short and to the point. The survey is located(Click Here)
 Scheduled DowntimeItem 86 - 7 Apr 2011There will be scheduled downtime on Monday the 11th of April from 08:00-11:00 GMT. The game will not be accessible during this period, all worlds will also be paused. This is due to server maintenance.
 5th Birthday saleItem 85 - 23 Dec 2010As you may have seen already, today is Airline Mogul's 5th Birthday, and to mark this occasion we are offering a 5 day sale of 25% off all our paid token packages.
As one of our traditions, our voluntary staff would like to have a few days off during the holiday season. Between 23rd Dec and 27th Dec (both inclusively), we might not be able to respond to support emails within our usual 24 hour time-frame. Please be patient if you have to email us during this period for whatever reasons (or no reason at all ). We will most definitely get back to you.
Have a fun and safe holiday. If you drink, don't drive. Also watch out for a new public world that could be launch very soon.
 5th birthday of Airline Mogul & holiday arrangements Item 84 - 23 Dec 2010Happy Birthday Airline Mogul!
As of 23rd Dec 2010, AM is officially 5 years young. That is right... after 5 years, we are still young and dynamic. We are young because you are playful and energetic. We are dynamic because of your support, your feedback, and your innovative ideas. At this time, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to your contribution to this game and its community. In the coming year, we will strive to continue our stellar services consistently. We also hope to launch some popular new features in the near future.
As one of our traditions, our voluntary staff would like to have a few days off during the holiday season. Between 23rd Dec and 27th Dec (both inclusively), we might not be able to respond to support emails within our usual 24 hour time-frame. Please be patient if you have to email us during this period for whatever reasons (or no reason at all ). We will most definitely get back to you.
Have a fun and safe holiday. If you drink, don't drive. Also watch out for a new public world that could be launch very soon.
 Be Active!Item 83 - 2 Sep 2010Due to a recent clamp down on trademarked and copyright content, the Airline Mogul staff are afraid you are feeling that some of the fun in the game has been taken away. We want you to know that there are plenty of ways to still have fun playing Airline Mogul! We, the staff, have decided to unleash a new plan to help maintain a fun community-like atmosphere in Airline Mogul!
( Click Here)
 Gates ImprovementsItem 82 - 31 Aug 2010We are delighted to announce the improvement of the gates pages. This improvement has come based on user feedback as well as additional feature implementation. What you can look forward to now is the ability to see City and State names for all airports in the database where these are available.
We have also taken the time to re-design the header on each gates page to better communicate the base system in Airline Mogul. It should be much easier now to identify how many bases you can create and the link between Home bases and Foreign bases.
The importance of locating airports using a variety of methods is also supported. You can now view airports by their IATA or ICAO code by using the search box on the top right of each page, or click on a City, State or Country name or flag to view airports in that area. We have also added the functionality to provide "Wildcard" searching with ICAO codes. A search for EI* will return all airports in Ireland for example, since every Irish airport is prefixed with EI in its ICAO code.
Please take a few moments to familarise yourself with the updated pages and hopefully you will be able to make full use of the improvements we have made.
 Help Improve Airline MogulItem 81 - 30 Aug 2010Airline Mogul needs your help. To help improve gameplay we are breaking down countries into their respective States, Provences, or Counties. To date user feedback has helped us reach 50% coverage, but we need more support to get this feature ready for release. To help, visit the Airline Mogul forum here http://stephenm.org/smfforum/index.php?topic=5201.0
 Use of real world airline and alliance namesItem 80 - 26 Aug 2010It has recently been brought to our attention that registered trademarks of real life airlines and alliances have been used in association with AirlineMogul, without the consent of the copyright owner. Here, we would like to reaffirm our stance that all airline/alliance names and images must be original/copyright free, or with written consent of the copyright holder. Any infringement of copyright, including but not limited registered trademarks, will be deleted promptly without prior warnings, once detected. We would also take this chance to strongly discourage the use of any registered trademarks / copyrighted materials in any third party websites associated with our game. Should you come across any probable copyright infringement, please do not hesitate to email us at staff@airlinemogul.com with all the details involved, and we will have the materials removed.
Thanks for your cooperation.
 30 tokens for players who say on Twitter why they like AMItem 79 - 18 Aug 2010We are running a promotion on Twitter this week, simply follow the Airline Mogul twitter account ( Click Here) and Tweet about why you like Airline Mogul. In return we will be in contact with you to give you 30 free tokens.
This promotion will end on Friday, the 20th of August 2010.
 Eurovision/EuroToken & Route MapsItem 78 - 28 May 2010To celebrate the Eurovision Final 2010 in Oslo, Norway, this weekend Airline Mogul is offering its users a unique opportunity to benefit from their own country competition. On Monday the 31st of May the score of sales for May per country will be calculated, and any customers from the top country will recieve an additional 25% tokens extra free! To keep track of how the rankings are going we have compiled a list of top ten countries so far, and unlike the Eurovision you do not need to be in one of the competing countries for the song contest.
EuroTokens Scoreboard
We are also working on new route amps to be shortly released to Public Worlds and Private World owners to see some examples, or to let us know what you think, please check the forums below:
AM Forums
 Celebrate flights re-starting in Europe - Win an airline voucher!Item 77 - 22 Apr 2010To celebrate the resumption of air services throughout Europe, Airline Mogul is offering one Paid Token customer the chance to win a voucher for a local airline of your choice (€20 value) by simply purchasing a token package of €10 or more by 00:00GMT tomorrow (23/04/2010).
Why not make an investment in your next trip by purchasing tokens and creating a new private world and get two great things at once? http://bit.ly/alV1E1
 Happy St. Patricks Day!Item 76 - 17 Mar 2010 In celebration of St Patricks Day (Lá Fhéile Pádraig), Airline Mogul is celebrating its Irish heritage by offering a 6 hour sale on paid tokens.
Players can avail of 25% off until 10pm Irish Time on the 17th of March, and help celebrate this annual feast day of Saint Patrick.
 Free Premium Gate Search for Token PurchasesItem 75 - 15 Jan 2010From today, until the 31st of January 2010 every player who purchases tokens will receive 2 Months of our Premium Gate Search feature for free. This feature normally costs 60 free tokens to activate.
Each player will only be entitled to avail of this offer once while it is running. It will take up to 24 hours for the premium feature to be activated on each account.
For our European Customers, please remember that the price of tokens recently decreased due to a change in the Irish VAT Rate from 21.5% to 21.0%.
 Design Competition - Feature PageItem 74 - 22 Dec 2009We are launching a design competition that will remain open until the 7th of January 2010. Each entrant are required to design a page for Airline Mogul where users can manage features available, or used by them.
For full details, please visit the forums via the link below:
 Token Sale & 4th Birthday of Airline MogulItem 73 - 12 Dec 2009As one of the biggest holiday periods of the year is approaching us, this year we are celebrating the 4th Birthday of Airline Mogul a little early, (23rd of December). For the next 12 days there will be a 50% sale on the Token Packages available on Airline Mogul. This also coincides with the fast approaching 30,000 users mark.
We hope that throughout 2010 we can release a number of currently paused development projects. This is mainly due in part to other commitments of our voluntary staff.
There will also be no support available from 00:00 (GMT) 23rd of December to 00:00 (GMT) 27th of December. During this time support emails may not be answered.
We would like to thank you all for your continuing support and we hope you all enjoy the weeks ahead and we look forward to 2010, the 4th Year of Airline Mogul.
Airline Mogul Staff
 VAT Rate ChangeItem 72 - 9 Dec 2009As announced in the Irish budget for 2010, the VAT rate on token packages for EU customers will drop from 21.5% to 21.0% on the 1st of January 2010.
 New Official BrokersItem 71 - 4 Jun 2009In response to the on-going requests to have more brokerage services, we have appointed 4 new official brokers. These brokers are all senior members that have been active in the AM community. They have proven themselves through the in-game achievements, as well as interaction with other players. We trust that they will be able to provide top-notch brokerage services in many worlds. The new brokers areiranair777 - id 679area51 - id 4022Cheung Airlines - id 10252CHR - id 10349They are going to join our existing group of official brokers, includingsla31 - id 31MrOrange - id 150dktc - id 616killian320 - id 761Zero-G - id 13680The new brokers will start opening for business the coming Sunday (7 Jun), at the earliest. Please refer to the A-Z of the Broker Market sub-forum for they availabilities.If you would like to become an official broker, please refer to this thread . Being an active participate in the AM community, through forum, message board, wiki, irc chat, and in-game performance are also criteria for evaluation.
 Airline Mogul reaches 20,000 registered usersItem 70 - 21 Apr 2009Airline Mogul has recently passed the 20,000 users mark! As a token of our appreciation, we have decided to offer all token packages at a 50% discount for the day. (21st April 2009)
To avail of this limited offer, click on purchase tokens, where all prices are reduced by 50%.
Airline Mogul would like to thank its users for their continuing support. There will be a number of feature releases in the next two months, so keep an eye out for further updates.
 Server DowntimeItem 69 - 25 Mar 2009Due to essential maintenance the server will be offline for a period of approximately 20 minutes on the afternoon/evening of the 25th of March.
 Staff Position Available: Developer (Linux Consultant)Item 68 - 24 Jan 2009This Position has been filled.
Position: Airline Mogul Developer (Linux Consultant)
Brief duties & requirements: To complete tasks assigned by the Chief Developer, to perform server maintenance and upgrades, aswell as installation and updating of software. Along with other assignments at times given by the Chief Developer.
Payment: Negotiated financial reward, based on Airline Mogul Earnings.
 Additional Tokens now available on all Token PackagesItem 67 - 1 Jan 2009It has been decided to increase the number of tokens available in each paid token package. In order to deliver greater value, each paid token package whose value is €10 or less has received an average 50% increase, while all remaining packages have received an average of 20% increase.
This change is effective immediately, and has been applied retrospectively to the 27th of December.
The Airline Mogul staff would like to wish each of you a very happy and prosperous 2009. There will also be additional features and announcements throughout the coming year from the staff.
 Airline Mogul Celebrates its 3rd BirthdayItem 66 - 23 Dec 2008We would like to make a brief announcement that today, the 23rd of December is the 3rd Birthday of Airline Mogul. In celebration of this achievement we have added an extra 33% to each paid token package. This offer will last for a 3 day period, and will be removed on the 26th of December.
 December SurveyItem 65 - 17 Dec 2008As we are now well established into private worlds, (Approximately 3 months). It is important that we receive some more feedback after the large collection of feedback in October. Please let us know your opinions in the link below:
Take the Survey Here
 Increase in VAT for European CustomersItem 64 - 26 Nov 2008Due to the recent Irish Budget for 2009, effective, the 1st of December 2008, there will be an increase in the rate of VAT (Value Added Tax) charged on Tokens sold to European Customers. This will increase from 21.0% to 21.5%. We advise that if you are planning to purchase tokens, to do so before this date.
There is no expected reduction in the near future for VAT.
 In-Game ManualItem 63 - 6 Nov 2008Airline Mogul now has its very own, absolutely unique in-game manual. Designed to function alongside the wiki, the in-game manual will give you the information you need to quickly become acquainted with the many features AM has to offer.
You can turn on, or off, the manual in the admin page, on the right-bottom side. When you register a new account, it will be automatically activated. Also, please note that we don't have information on every page yet. We're working on it as you read this, so quite soon, everyone will be able to learn to play AM within an hour.
 View Airport UpdatesItem 62 - 29 Oct 2008The View Airport page has been updated to incorporate a number of new features. Most importantly, all sections of the page can be expanded or collapsed as you wish, and you can save your preferences as well so you don't have to click some buttons each time you visit the page again.
Also, as a way of being able to boast about your airline's market share and proving it with a graph, we have added a market share pie chart, as you've probably seen on the View Routes page before. It's fully functional, it shows what it needs to show and it's green, so it's probably cool. Have fun with the new features, and don't forget to let us know if it doesn't work for you.
 Paid Tokens UpdateItem 60 - 16 Oct 2008
Over the past two weeks, there were a number of changes made to the paid tokens packages. These involve an added €3 "top up" package, along with packages from €30-45 to support full world creation.
 Login Re-Opens for 24 hours of testingItem 59 - 4 Oct 2008We are happy to re-open login, and allow users to experience the fresh looking Airline Mogul. It has been in the pipeline for over a year, when myself (StephenM) asked a member of staff to start work on an interm design, with a view to create a totally new design. This started with a new logo, then the change to the green design. Now we have this wonderful design that replicates the modern developments in website design.
On a second note, the Aircraft Market has been completely re-worked with 10 times the previous code, to allow for greater convenience and features for users. There will be a number of extra updates for this feature soon.
Finally, the long awaited launch of Pivate Worlds. These allow you to create a world that you want, from a selection of Countries (Greater than 50 airports) or Continents. Following on you also get to choose a map from a pre-defined selection.
As we are opening to publicly test features, we may have to close login at any time to fix major errors. We hope that within the next day or two, all bugs will have been resolved and normal gameplay can continue.
Thank you for your patience. Airline Mogul Staff
 Scheduled Downtime - Saturday 4th of October 2008Item 58 - 1 Oct 2008There will be a period of downtime on Saturday the 4th of October 2008 between 13:00 UTC and 15:00 UTC approximately. During this time the website will not be available, and a placeholder page will be shown instead.
During this time we will be implementing 4 new items/features, and will be doing some initial testing to ensure that everything works correctly in the public area. We have spent significant time testing these features, but do not guarantee a bug free launch.
Just to stem some rumors, Aircraft Hotswap and Multi Route Edit wont be included in this release. We will have 2 major releases, one I have already discussed and finally one that has been suggested a number of times.
 And Downtime AgainItem 57 - 9 Sep 2008Greetings again players. apologies but we must announce that there will likely be downtime this Thursday between midnight and 4AM (EST, GMT-6). This will allow us to install many important security updates on our server. This may improve the load slightly as well, as it does involve a few bug fixes to our database software. Apologies again for this extended downtime, it was planned to go with the downtime for the prior upgrade however the updates needed were more extensive then initially thought (Whoops. Our bad). Good luck all, and thank you for your patience. Air Elbonia, StephenM and the rest of the staff.
 Downtime ComingItem 56 - 29 Aug 2008Greetings again all. Apologies but there was a snafu with our upgrade request which caused it to be delayed until This Friday (Today or close to it). Between 10am and noon (EST, GMT-6), there will be a relatively brief downtime as a hardware element is upgraded. Later in the afternoon (between noon and 6pm EST, GMT-6) there will be another period of downtime (2 hours or less most likely), as some core software elements are updated on the server. This should improve performance and reduce the lag. Thank you all for your understanding and patience, apologies again for the delay and late warning. Air Elbonia, StephenM and the rest of the staff here at AM.
 Server LagItem 55 - 22 Aug 2008Hello all,
I know several of you have noticed some server lag of late, and we have been working actively to try to improve the code to reduce this lag. We have made some notable gains (particularly noticably in pages related to fleets about two weeks ago). We've emerged from talks with our consultant about what our best route is for hardware improvements to help cope with the load put on the server.
As such, we've made a tenative schedule with our host to perform a server upgrade on Wednesday the 27th for some time between 15:00 and 21:00 Zulu (that's 3pm and 9pm Greenwich Mean Time, for those not acquainted with aviation time). The server will be taken down for a period of between 1 minute (highly improbable) and a couple hours (if something goes horribly wrong). We're expecting it to take about an hour to two hours, but cannot make promises as such. We'll keep you informed of any major changes to this schedule. During any downtime periods where a game-day would normally advance, the day will not advance and we will make no rushed pretense to make up for it. We will attempt to manually kick off the free token script if need be however. Thank you all for your patience. Air Elbonia, StephenM and the rest of the AM Staff.
 General UpdatesItem 54 - 7 Jul 2008Over the past two months there have been a number of updated to the game. Firstly there is the ability to sell aircraft in bulk, saving time for those that wish to sell multiple aircraft. There has been an update to Gate Search, you can now upgrade to the premium features for 10 Paid Tokens. On top of this there has been an Aircraft Search utility created, again you can upgrade to premium features on this for 10 paid tokens also. Full details are available on the Game Updates section of the forum.
There is now an IRC Chat Client available to AM users through their browsers. To try it out just visit the following link. Click Here
Finally you can now purchase tokens, these are available from when you login.
There will be a number of major updates due to be released in the next week, watch the forums for updates.
 10,000 Registered Players!Item 53 - 20 May 2008We are very happy to announce that Airline Mogul has reached its 10,000th currently registered player. This comes after the biggest change to the game has been implemented, Multiworlds. It has taken just over 2 and a half years of dedication by Airline Mogul staff, and a supportive user base. We look forward to bringing more features to new players in the future.
 Survey TimeItem 52 - 15 Apr 2008
The latest Airline Mogul survey is now available to be taken. Here you can express your views on the recent Multiworlds launch along with a few other items we are interested in hearing about.
Please take a few moments to take the survey, as it helps us get an idea what people want as a whole.
Click Here
 Updates Come With DrawbacksItem 51 - 6 Apr 2008During testing of updated administration systems for Multiworlds there was a fault with user details. We are immediately restoring 8,000 user details using database backups. However about 200 recently registered users will have to contact us for their details to be rectified. (This means all users registered after Multiworlds Launch)
After a previous error, we have re-opened Login. This error has effected World #3 and users that registered on Airline Mogul after the Multiworlds Launch.
If you registered at AM after the launch of Multiworlds, please notify Staff Email using the email address you registered with. Note that most of the individual airline information is not affected by the database error.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
 End of the UniverseItem 50 - 4 Apr 2008Hey hey hey! Welcome back all. We hope you enjoyed your breakfast, lunch, and dinner/supper over at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. We also encourage you, on your next time-traveling meal endeavor to try out the Big Bang Burger Barn.
Any who, AirlineMogul is back! and better then ever. Welcome to multi-worlds. please enjoy your parallel-dimensional stay(s).
Air Elbonia, StephenM, Balint, and all the AM staff.
 Ridiculously Long StoryItem 48 - 2 Apr 2008The story so far:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Many races believe that it was created by some sort of God, though the Airlinianmogalese people of AirSimuline VI believe that the entire Universe was in fact sneezed out of the nose of a being called the Great Green StephenM.
The Airlinianmogalese, who live in perpetual fear of the time they call The Coming of The Great Multiworlds, are small internet surfing creatures with more than fifty planes each, who are therefore unique in being the only race in history to have invented the airplane before the wheel.
However, the Great Green StephenM Theory is not widely accepted outside AirSimuline VI and so, the Universe being the puzzling place it is, other explanations are constantly being sought.
For instance, a race of hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings once built themselves a gigantic supercomputer called Deep Elbonia to calculate once and for all the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
For seven and a half million years, Deep Elbonia computed and calculated, and in the end announced that the answer was in fact Forty-two — and so another, even bigger, computer had to be built to find out what the actual question was.
And this computer, which was called the AirlineMogul, was so large that it was frequently mistaken for a game — especially by the strange ape-like beings who roamed the Earth’s surface, totally unaware that they were simply part of a gigantic computer program.
And this is very odd, because without that fairly simple and obvious piece of knowledge, nothing that ever happened on the AirlineMogul could possibly make the slightest bit of sense.
Sadly however, the critical moment of readout, just before January 1, 1986, AirlineMogul was unexpectedly demolished by the Admins to make way — so they claimed — for a new hyperspace bypass, and so all hope of discovering a meaning for life was lost for ever.
Or so it would seem.
These ape-like creatures, even those with digital watches or tiny green pieces of paper, have nothing left to do but sit back and watch as the Universe as they know it ends. For those creatures which are hungry, there is always the Restaurant at the End of the Universe:
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is one of the most extraordinary ventures in the entire history of catering. It has been built on the fragmented remains of ... it will be built on the fragmented ... that is to say it will have been built by this time, and indeed has been -
One of the major problems encountered in time travel is not that of accidentally becoming your own father or mother. There is no problem involved in becoming your own father or mother that a broadminded and well-adjusted family can't cope with. There is also no problem about changing the course of history — the course of history does not change because it all fits together like a jigsaw. All the important changes have happened before the things they were supposed to change and it all sorts itself out in the end.
The major problem is quite simply one of grammar, and the main work to consult in this matter is Dr Dan Streetmentioner's Time Traveller's Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations. It will tell you for instance how to describe something that was about to happen to you in the past before you avoided it by time-jumping forward two days in order to avoid it. The event will be described differently according to whether you are talking about it from the standpoint of your own natural time, from a time in the further future, or a time in the further past and is further complicated by the possibility of conducting conversations whilst you are actually travelling from one time to another with the intention of becoming your own father or mother.
Most readers get as far as the Future Semi-Conditionally Modified Subinverted Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional before giving up: and in fact in later editions of the book all the pages beyond this point have been left blank to save on printing costs.
The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy skips lightly over this tangle of academic abstraction, pausing only to note that the term "Future Perfect" has been abandoned since it was discovered not to be.
To resume:
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is one of the most extraordinary ventures in the entire history of catering.
It is built on the fragmented remains of an eventually ruined planet which is (wioll haven be) enclosed in a vast time bubble and projected forward in time to the precise moment of the End of the Universe.
This is, many would say, impossible.
In it, guests take (willan on-take) their places at table and eat (willan on-eat) sumptuous meals whilst watching (willing watchen) the whole of creation explode around them.
This is, many would say, equally impossible.
You can arrive (mayan arivan on-when) for any sitting you like without prior (late fore-when) reservation because you can book retrospectively, as it were when you return to your own time. (you can have on-book haventa forewhen presooning returningwenta retrohome.)
This is, many would now insist, absolutely impossible.
At the Restaurant you can meet and dine with (mayan meetan con with dinan on when) a fascinating cross-section of the entire population of space and time.
This, it can be explained patiently, is also impossible.
You can visit it as many times as you like (mayan on-visit re-onvisiting ... and so on — for further tense-corrections consult Dr Streetmentioner's book) and be sure of never meeting yourself, because of the embarrassment this usually causes.
This, even if the rest were true, which it isn't, is patently impossible, say the doubters.
All you have to do is deposit one penny in a savings account in your own era, and when you arrive at the End of Time the operation of compound interest means that the fabulous cost of your meal has been paid for.
This, many claim, is not merely impossible but clearly insane, which is why the advertising executives of the star system of Bastablon came up with this slogan: "If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?”…
Alright, so much of that was ripped off or quoted from Douglas Adams, but in all honesty, the AirlineMogul Universe as you know it is about to end. With the end of this age, comes the death of the age system and the birth of Multiworlds. The game may be down for a slightly longer then average time as we drop in all the necessary pieces for this to happen. Many familiar things will be destroyed, modified, touched, or otherwise moved about. In fact, the pink may not even survive. We hope to have some exciting new surprises in the coming days for all, even some benign ones for those who don’t like big surprises. And, as all hope and cry, we hope the beta team here has helped us admins iron out all the real important bugs.
All that’s left is to sit back, relax, and don’t forget your towel. -- Air Elbonia, StephenM, Balint, and the rest of the staff here at AirlineMogul.
 Multiworlds are Coming, with a Slight DelayItem 47 - 25 Feb 2008Welcome all to 1983! Good luck, enjoy your starting aircraft in the BAe 146-100, as well as the slightly larger then average cash. We hope that this consoles you as we do our best to wrap up multiworlds by the end of this three year period [including, with luck, most of the bug testing]. Air Elbonia, StephenM, and all the staff.
 Multiworlds are ComingItem 46 - 25 Feb 2008Thank you for journeying through the 1970s with us. The age will end shortly on the 24th of Dec, 1974, after that the clock should stop advancing. Please allow us 24hours to reset everything, hopefully this will be the last "reset" ever, at least in its present format. Following the reset, there will be the (now standard) 24 hour idle period for all players to get established on the same footing.
We will be stepping forward in time to 1983 for a quick 3 year round while some final work is done on multiworlds, both fresh code and de-bugging. It is our fervent wish to have multiworlds out as soon as possible to keep everyone interested. Unfortunately, Stephen and Myself (Air Elbonia) fell a little short on getting it done by the end of this age. As a consolation prize, for putting up with our slowness as well as a 3 year game, the starting aircraft for 1983 will be significantly better then usual. You'll find out what it is soon enough. Thank you again. Air Elbonia, StephenM, and the rest of the staff.
 Help.Item 45 - 23 Feb 2008HELP. Click Here to vote if you're a forum member.
We need feedback on what to do regarding next age and the impending multiworlds launch. Non-forum members, I hope to have a poll up soon using our other polling method. [Of course you could just join the forums too.]
Air Elbonia.
 Game ResetItem 44 - 19 Feb 2008
The Game will reset on the 24th of December 1974. This will facilitate further enhancements to the game. More details as to how long the round will be along with what year that will be chosen as the start year will follow closer to that date. In the mean time, watch for game updates on the forums.
 AM Joins FacebookItem 42 - 2 Jan 2008
Airline Mogul, in advance of a re-brand and new website design has launched a new Facebook profile. Included is a teaser of how the new logo will look and the ability to view some of the players Facebook profiles. Watch out for a development blog located there in the near future. To view the profile please follow this link. Or alternatively, register and search for "Airline Mogul".
Stay tuned for more developments in January.
 Solved NowItem 41 - 27 Dec 2007Login Re-OpenedAfter the temporary problems experienced on the 24th login has re-opened to test the previous issues. So far there have been no major repeats and we seem to be back on track. The game is still currently paused and will resume to the 15th of January 1970 at 23:00 UTC/GMT/Zulu. Any problems with accounts please report to Staff: staff [at] airlinemogul [dot] com.
 Technical IssuesItem 40 - 24 Dec 2007Login ClosedDue to technical issues Login has been closed, and will remain closed until the 27th of December where an update on this issue will be made. We regret for this closure but on account of the season we cannot provide any more assistance on the 25th or 26th of December.
 1970 Starting NowItem 39 - 22 Dec 2007Game Reset and Login Re-Opened. The game has been reset to the 1st of January 1970 and login has been re-opened. The game timer will start in 24 hours.
 Login ClosedItem 38 - 22 Dec 2007Login has been closed. Thank you, we'll be back sometime on Dec. 23 with a fresh new age. It will open up with a 24 hour join period, allowing everyone to start off on an equal footing regardless of wherever you are in the world.
 Age Nearly OverItem 37 - 22 Dec 2007The age will formally end at 12:15AM EST [or so]. Thank you all for playing, the game will be down for about 24 hours as we retune the games economy and implement a massive alteration to how some key data is stored. Apologies again for the early restart. This next age will be started in the 1970s, by popular demand. A copy of the top ranking countries for the game, as well as for each continent, will be snagged and posted in the forums. Next age will feature some extensive backend modifications, as well as improved one-way route logic and a slower game economy. Again, it will be a five (5) year round. In other news, work on finishing up multiworlds is going very well of late, we hope [and present it looks like can achieve] to launch this new feature sometime mid-January. Thank you all again for playing AirlineMogul in the 1950s, apologies again for the inconvenience this premature reset may have caused.
 Birthday Once AgainItem 36 - 17 Dec 2007To co-inside with the 2nd Birthday of Airline Mogul we have decided to organise a reset for the 22nd of December. This will mean the new round will start on the 23rd of December, 2 years since Airline Mogul first opened. This is to be done for a variety of reasons, people have said the game has gotten saturated and would like a fresh start. This next game round will be a 5 game year round.
The reset will allow the first stage of Multiworlds to be released. In this we will introduce the following;
- An activation email for all users to cut down on multiple account issues
- Provide more information on registering about the steps to starting in Airline Mogul, along with details of when to login
- Allow the next stage of Multiworlds to begin.
- Allow for several adjustments designed to slow the game pace down.
The game will be reset and to a date not yet decided. We will use the date from the poll on this issue located here.
 ThanksItem 35 - 20 Nov 2007Nov. Survey has been closed. Thank you all who participated. to see the results of the survey, Click Here
 November - Survey TimeItem 34 - 4 Nov 2007Time for the November Survey. Presently, Stephen and Myself (Air Elbonia) are working steadily on multiworlds and some hopefully fruitful and beneficial modifications to editing routes. We'd love to hear from you how we've been doing, and what can still be improved. Please Tell us through the following survey:
Item 33 - 11 Oct 2007So. Terribly sorry, once again, for the buggy restart.
We've fixed all the bugs we could find (with your help at finding them). Nothing serious should be left in that bug category, that we know of. We've re-resetted and extended the time until the game starts by the time lost due to the bugs. Sorry, we shouldn't be seeing a repeat though. Best of luck to all in the 1950s.
 D'oh!Item 32 - 11 Oct 2007Apologies for all the bugs, we tried to test out as much of the files that were updated as much as we could, but obviously we missed a few important details.
Because of this, We will re-reset the game within 1 day when we have the major bugs (and hopefully most of the minor ones) fixed. Please take this opportunity to help us make the game as bug free as possible by reporting all bugs in the forums (big or small), try not to have too many repeated threads though. Sorry again from the Dev team. We are trying to fix the bugs as fast as possible.
 Game ResetItem 31 - 11 Oct 2007The game has been sucessfully reset. Please login and take a look at some of the new features aswell as updated ones. This time we are starting back in 1950 and all airlines get to have a DC3 with €500,000 starting capital.
Enjoy the round!
 We're Done - The Age Has Ended!Item 30 - 9 Oct 2007Thank you all for playing, visit www.airlinemogul.com/airlinemogul/rankings.php for final rankings (available for a short while). The game will reopen in 24-48 hours, with some noticeable and unnoticeable changes made, to be detailed a little further in the forums. For now, please Contribute to Discussion as to whether we should reset the game to 1950 or 1960. We hope to keep this downtime as short as possible, and hope to see you all back next age. The core developers of this game will be focused on rolling out multiple worlds as fast as possible early next age. Good game, and good luck when next age comes.
 DowntimeItem 29 - 6 Oct 2007Greetings again. Just about 2 days left of this age. Enjoy them.
Between ages there will be 24-48 hours of downtime.
We hope to keep this downtime to a minimum, and upon return there will be a 24 hour period where players can log in before the days start advancing. Thank you all for playing this age, hope to see you all returning for next age.
 Nearly EndingItem 28 - 28 Sep 2007Greetings and Salutations again from the admins. This is to inform all players that the game will end on Dec 24, 2007 in-game, meaning we're at about 10 realtime days left.
When December 24th is reached (or shortly thereafter), the game will be closed down for a day to two days (We will do our best to keep it to under 2 realtime days), During this time this age will be cleaned out, a few backend things will be straightened out and tested.
We will be heading back, way back in time for the next age. We hope you have enjoyed this age, and look forward to seeing your return with the next age. This Should be the last time we ever need to shut the site down to end ages. Thank you again for your loyalty to our game, enjoy the last few days until reset. See the forums for more details.
 Dedicated Server OnlineItem 27 - 15 Sep 2007
After some time we have finally finished moving to the new server, this will keep the game online and more reliable for all. Look out for new features and more worlds in the near future and after the next planned reset which will take place in October.
 Big News!!!Item 26 - 13 Sep 2007
Alright. we've got ahold of a dedicated server, the files, php, mysql, and such seem to be set up properly at the moment. the last thing (it appears) is to properly transfer over the domain name and an "up to date" copy of the actual database contents.
This is likely to happen within the next 24 to 48 hours. We hope this transfer can go smoothly, with no loss of data or the like.
When taken down, we hope to have it back up in a relatively short period of time, but of course. life is a crazy thing some times so i make no promises other then we will be working on it as fast as we can.
After this server move, terminals should be introduced shortly, a few bugs patched, and an update to view_routes.
Air Elbonia/StephenM and the rest of the Admin team thank you for your patience when this process begins.
 Support UsItem 25 - 31 Aug 2007We now offer the ability to donate to Airline Mogul. After the game downtime that peaked in mid-August we have decided in the future we are to move to a dedicated server where we can offer multiworlds and less problems that occur with a shared server. To do this however it will be a 2000% increase in our costs, and so we will not be rushing out any time soon! If however you would like to see this move take place sooner you can support Airline Mogul by donating via PayPal below.
 And BackItem 23 - 20 Aug 2007Site Issues (Largely) Resolved.
It appears the site is stable and back to its old self now. As the date was (earlier) reset back a month when it initially looked like it quieted down, the present date will be left alone. All appropriate logs, however, are being monitored and appear to be reporting thusfar the problem being fixed for the time being.
Air Elbonia and the Admin Team.
 We're Sorry. Really.Item 22 - 16 Aug 2007We are working as fast as we can to resolve the... terrible (to say the least) site issues the game has been having over the past day or two. We will sort it out as soon as possible, apologies to all for the half-playable state the game is in at present and the inconvenience. We will likely reset the in-game calander to Dec 1 2003 when we return the site to its normal (mostly) stable self again.
Air Elbonia, StephenM, and the Admin Team.
 Alliances have been LaunchedItem 21 - 13 Aug 2007Hooray, Alliances are launched. See the forums for details. I know you have all been waiting for them for a while, sorry it took so long, but enjoy them.
 We're GreenItem 20 - 3 Aug 2007The website has had a new theme applied to it, replacing the hugely dated theme that has been on the site for over a year and a half. We welcome any feedback or errors you may have so please post in the forums.
 Survey TimeItem 19 - 29 Jul 2007Thank you all for your loyalty to this game, as we continue to attempt to improve our game we ask you to please take a simple survey. Use the link following to leave some feedback.
Click here to take the survey now.
 Brokers In PositionItem 18 - 14 Jul 2007A Grand New Day. The new broker tender system is being officially launched immediately. All elements of it appear to be functioning properly, curious how it works? Or about anything else? Check the forums.
 Wiki / Manual is LiveItem 17 - 12 Jul 2007We have launched a new manual to accompany Airline Mogul, this has been put together by MrOrange and goes into detail how many sections of the site works. Please try it out and add more content if you want to at it here
 We're BackItem 16 - 1 Jul 2007Game reset, both login and registration has been re-opened. Enjoy the new features and post on the forums if you have any issues!
 Login has ClosedItem 15 - 29 Jun 2007As we are sure you all have noticed login has been closed as we reset the game as well as make some major enhancements to the back end of Airline Mogul. Login will reopen on July 1st, with many pages receiving major upgrades as well as the addition of new, one-way flights. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, and best of luck to all players once the new age begins.
 Reset PlannedItem 14 - 21 Jun 2007Game reset planned for 1st July 2007. As the game moves into the year 2000 there will be a short (84 day) round, where we will be launching a whole host of new features including a new Create Route, Edit Route and Close route. Check the forums for more information closer to this date.
 Game ResetItem 13 - 25 Feb 2007Game reset again and alliance features being tested. Good luck in 1990!
 Reset PlannedItem 12 - 15 Feb 2007Reset planned for the 24th December 1989 (in-game date). Please check the forum for details and an outline of new features to be added when login re-opens.
 Happy Birthday!Item 11 - 23 Dec 2006Airline Mogul is 1 year old!Airline Mogul has passed its first year of being where it is, on the 23rd of December 2005 the game opened its doors to registrations, again today we have opened our doors again to registrations! Please particpate in the celebrations by joining up or logging in. Consider it an early Christmas Present. |